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About Us

We first opened our doors in a small centre in downtown Whitehorse in 1990. Since then we have grown and adapted but our founding philosophy of early learning has never wavered. We have always valued the young learner and we take pride in recognizing each individual for their strengths and unique character. 


We have had several physical locations over the years but every one was designed with the same principals in mind. We are, and have always been, an open-concept learning centre. There are no individual rooms or groups of children. We believe in the importance of merging different ages and developmental levels. This gives us a community feel. Big kids teaching little kids, little kids appreciating the skills of older children. It’s a circle of compatibility that we find enhances the educator input and optimizes the learning environment for all, educators included! We will never know it all and everyday we spend with children opens our eyes to new ways of learning and experiencing the world around us. 


 Our Philosophy 

Our program is broad and diverse. We are adaptable and can change our approach when needed to better fit each family's uniqueness.


We believe that children are capable learners who are naturally inquisitive and curious. We take immense joy in providing the inspiration and support needed to further their thought processes and encourage their questions. 


The team of educators at Downtown Days believes in the value of outdoor play. We all enjoy the wilderness, both at work and in our personal lives. We share our joy of the North with our young collaborators in hopes of encouraging thoughtful discussions and reflections.  We share our personal experiences with the children and encourage them to do the same. We promote perspectives and understanding of others.


We teach respect. Respect for ourselves, our families, our peers, and our planet. 

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